Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Using PowerPoint for an engaging lesson

In my EECE 525 (Learning and Literacy in Elementary Years) class, students were celebrating the Social Action Writing.  Professor Kesler was presenting all the work using digital multi-media instead of the traditional genre of narrative writing.  It was quite some eye-opening experience for me.  I learned something from everyone's great and creative working using Microsoft PowerPoint.  There were so many different techniques utilizing the features and functions support by this presentation software.

Using the software I can make my lesson more interesting and engaging by incorporating sound, movie clips / animations, etc. to teach various subjects.  I had recently using this tools to present a lesson on Ancient Greek Architecture.  With the tools, I am able to add sound clips, and many graphical images, and many photo related to Ancient Greek architectures.   The lesson went well based on the assessment I used.   My assessment involve sketching the characteristics of the three school of ancient Greek architecture and answers a list of questions.  30 out of 33 students turned in their works, and almost all of them got perfect scores.

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