Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Computer and internet access for every student

From  my observation as a student teacher in the sixth grade class, I think all  students will benefit by having more computers accessiable at  both mathematics and ELA classes.  For example, in mathematics and ELA, there are plenty of online resources that provide drill-and-practice programs that students can use to reinforcement many concepts taught and to improve their fluency in many math facts, vocabulary words, etc.  In addition, some online resources, such as Math by Design, have  game-like activities that can be integrated into teaching as a reward for learning.  Also many students have very poor penmanship, so having computer or laptop will allow them to type their essays and so on using MSWord.  Having their work typed benefit both students and teachers,  It is more efficient for students to type their work and it is easier for teacher to read their type-up works.
Another important reason for each student to have his/her own computer is the transition time taken if they have to go the library or the computer lab room to access the computer / internet.

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