Friday, May 17, 2013

Use to learn Ancient Greek Architecture in social studies is a free online tool that allows users to visualize ideas. Teacher and students can create graphic organizers and many other forms of visual organization.

Some of the advantage of using are:
·         Graphical organizer help students to visualize and organize all the information.

·         In each Popplet created (within the graphic organizer), students have the options to write, draw, or simply insert an images to depict the design characteristics of the three schools of architecture.

·         ELL learners will benefit from the additional options other than writing the descriptions of each architectural design characteristics.

· is a fun way to engage students and it is very easy to learn.

In my lesson, I created an activity using as follows:


Use (or paper and pencil) to fill in the below graphic organizer as follows:

For each Greek architecture design (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian )
a)  In the Popple labeled a, describe (in complete sentences), or draw , or find image (using Google or other search engine) which has all the characteristics of the design
b)  Find an image of the design column
c) Find a building or architecture with the design columns, provide name of the building

Figure 1.  Ancient Greek Architecture Graphic Organizer

A sample of what student produce:

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